Leadership is complex. So much so, that sometimes the foundations that enable great leadership to improve performance and impact get overlooked, with dire consequences.
Here are the ten that I see most often:
1. Poor inductions = Slower to add value, low expectations set for performance and culture
2. Not addressing poor performers quickly = Negative contagion and elongated stress
3. Tolerating toxic behavior for results = Losing your best and brightest for short term gain
4. Avoiding tough conversations = Longer term pain for both parties
5. Not giving specific positive feedback often = Unmet potential
6. Doing everything yourself = Frustration and burnout
7. Not repeating key messages = People won't know or remember
8. Not leading yourself first = Unsustainable leadership and poor health
9. Not developing your managers/leaders = Disengaged, unproductive teams
10. No clear expectations = Lack of productivity
What else would you add?
P.S doesn’t mean it’s easy!