Baubles, bubbles, beers and business are all colliding and there's a frazzled fatigue in the air...
Before you pack up your pencils, gift yourself a moment to reflect and look back at 2023. Take a moment to jot down:
✷ What you are proud of
✷ What you learned
✷ How you are different from the start of the year
✷ What you loathed that you never want to repeat again
✷ The progress you made
✷ What you achieved
Whatever your year looked like, I’m guessing that there was huge growth and plenty of highs and lows.
So, do a little debrief, pat yourself on the back, and get clear on what you want to keep, stop and start doing in 24’.
"Experience is the greatest teacher; embrace its lessons, for they sculpt wisdom."
-Author unknown